Final Project Rubric

The final project deliverable is worth 20% of your final grade. The following is a break down of how your final project will be graded.

Section: Introduction (10%)

Your introduction should clearly state the research question(s) addressed by your project. The goal for this section is to make your reader interested in the topic of your project.

Section: Data (10%)

The data section should clearly indicate where/how to access the data you used in your project so that any reader could replicate your analysis.

Section: Analysis and Results (30%)

This section should present the main figures/tables that answer your research question.

Section: Conclusion (10%)

The conclusion should provide a summary of your findings and a discussion of the next steps that you (or someone else interest in your topic) could take to explore your question further.

General: Organization (10%)

You should use headings (begin a line with # in R Markdown) to indicate separate sections. The narrative of your project should be easy to follow.

General: Grammar (10%)

Your project should be free from spelling and grammatical mistakes. Place your text in Word if you need assistance, or have someone else proofread your project.

General: Code (20%)

All of your R chunks should be well organized and easy to follow. The key here is that all your code should work. With the data you described in your data section, I should be able to run your R Markdown without getting any errors.