Weekly Assignments

Creating the R Markdown files

Weekly assignments are R Markdown files. To begin each assignment, create a new R Markdown file. By either

  • Use the File menu, under the New File selection, click on R Markdown..., or
  • Click on the new file button, then click on R Markdown...

In the dialog box, set the title to match the heading for the assignment. For example,

“Assignment 1.3”

Remember to use your name in the space for an author. When saving set the filename to the assignment followed by your first and last name, using dashes as separators. For example, if your name is John Snow, you would save Assignment 1.3 as assignment-1-3-John-Snow

Submitting your assignment

After you have completed the assignment and before the start of the next class period, submit your R Markdown file on classroom.google.com.